Jade Aitchison
This creative process led me on a personal pathway of reflection, to explore the parts of me I lost and found whilst in isolation. Having increased time to sit with me, myself and I, to just be...I found myself reintroduced to the good and bad parts of myself which had gotten lost in the cycle of life. Some hard truths combined with eureka moments. The loneliest days, sick of my own company, to moments of peace, self companionship and extreme clarity. This is a journey of moving image and tumbling thoughts. From the monochrome monotony of lockdown to my abstract realisations. With special thanks to Kerim Peerthy, Abbie Willcox and Tess Farley.
Jade began dancing at a young age and was selected in 2011 to present work at The Royal Opera House as part of the Young Creative’s Programme; igniting her interest in high quality dance opportunities for young people. She received a degree in Dance Studies from Middlesex University, alongside working and performing as part of an emerging Hip Hop & Contemporary Dance Company, Blanc Canvas Dance.
In 2015, Jade became Youth Dance Coordinator at The Lowry and subsequently Centre for Advanced Training (CAT) Manager. She has been recognised for her contribution to the growth and development of the North West CAT Programme and for notable festivals such U.Dance NW, the National U.Dance Festival 2016 and Dance:Sampled, part of The Movement Partnership with Sadler’s Wells, The Lowry & Birmingham Hippodrome.
Jade recently began a new journey as Learning & Participation Co-ordinator at Northern School of Contemporary Dance.
Jade is passionate about creating access and opportunity within the arts, whether this be through enriched engagement projects, mentoring and consultation with young and emerging artists/leaders or developing creative initiatives that expand access to the arts. Within all areas of her work she maximises the opportunity to empower people through movement and remove barriers surrounding art and dance.