Performer call-out: FLOOD
Theatre Témoin are seeking an actor/ dancer/ movement artist who is a native user of BSL or with level 6 qualification in BSL and identifies as deaf for their forthcoming outdoor production of FLOOD.
FLOOD is an interactive outdoor spectacle, highlighting the health of the ocean through the eyes of coastal communities. Utilising circus, music, acrobatics and personalised sound umbrellas, FLOOD takes you on an epic adventure to understand how our coastline and communities have become ‘seasick’. FLOOD will integrate BSL and movement. FLOOD will be performed at Norfolk and Norwich Festival, Hat Fair Winchester, and Stockton International Riverside Festival (SIRF) and is supported by Arts Council England and Without Walls.
We are looking for a performer of any gender who identifies as deaf and has experience as an actor/ dancer/ movement artist. We are looking for a playful, collaborative and creative performer who has some experience of working on previous productions, such as dance, physical theatre, circus, gymnastic or theatre projects in the past. We hope to get someone who is interested in being part of an outdoor arts and environment themed piece. The piece includes the use of water, so the artist must be comfortable working directly with water as part of the performance. This will be the first show with fully integrated BSL that Theatre Témoin has created.
● BSL native user (or level 6 equivalent)
● Some experience of dance/movement/ theatre or physical theatre
● Some experience of devising new work
● Comfortable working with water
● A collaborative working approach
Rehearsals run between 9th - 14th May in Liverpool (one week) and a second week will be a residency at the Drill House in Great Yarmouth May 16th - 20th.
21st & 22nd May – Norfolk and Norwich Festival
2nd July - Hat Fair Winchester (Remount day 1st July)
5th and 6th August – Stockton International Riverside Festival (SIRF) (Remount day 4th August).
There is one possible additional date in June, to be confirmed.
Fees are £650 per week for rehearsals and £150 per day for performance and remount days. Whilst on tour, travel accommodation and per-diems will be provided.
If your application is successful, you will be asked to attend an audition on one of the following dates:
29th April - Liverpool
30th April – London
To apply, please submit the following, either as documents, a short video recording or links:
+ A CV or similar, highlighting relevant performance experience
+ Links to two short examples of previous work, or an edited showreel.
+ Confirmation you are able to attend the audition on one of the above dates and available for the dates outlined. (If you are not available for any dates listed, please state clearly your non-availability.)
Send to jodiejasminhicks@gmail.com
Applications are welcome in BSL or English by 5pm on Monday 25th April.